Tuesday, January 31, 2012

who is me?

there is times when it across my mind that i am on the wrong path right now. when that thing happened, i would tried convincing myself that i'm the one who had asked for this. for over few years before, i kept asking God for what was the best for me. every time i did my pray, i said 'if this is the best for me, make it nearer and easier, but if it is bad for me, give me a sign and break us apart. make it go further and further'.

and then finally God answered my prayer.

of course, because it is not in the way i hope it would be, i was pretty disappointed. and i kept questioning myself, is this what God really want for me? it this really my God's answers? then, He answered me again,

"Perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. and Allah knows, while you know not" [2:216]

God had answered me well. thus, why bother to feel the burden? what's the need of doubting God's answers for you? He brings u to it, He will bring u through it. so, do have some faith!
who is me to doubting Allah, right? who is me to say i am wrong while Allah says i am right? who is me to deny Allah's decision? and who is me to fight with Allah's fate?

believe in God, believe in yourself. as long as you know Allah's preference is on your left or on your right, you will never have any reason for hesitation. what you need the most for now is PATIENCE and faith.
do have faith in Allah, tiramisu!

tiramisu halal.

woww, blog?



first entry, huh, berpeluh... tangan terketar-ketar nak menaip.ihikss. jangan percaya.

actually, this is my second blog. i told my friend that i wanna start a new blog, and she asked me why. i said, i wanna start over a new life, turning over a new leaf, leaving the past behind, and moving forward for my bright future, insyaAllah from zero to hero, from nothing to something. cool heh?

"of course u can delete your current blog but u definitely can't erase your past, right?"

for some reason, i was speechless for a while. it is not like i couldn't answer her question, neither i didn't have anything in my mind to 'counter attack' her statement. but it is because i was somewhat agree with her. yep, definitely i wouldn't be able to erase all my past, delete all the memories and starting with zero. i couldn't possibly losing my mind today and wake up tomorrow as a different person who know nothing about yesterday. i know it.

but, at least i am trying to lessen the effect. yeah, i know everything happen for a reason and of course so does this blog. i am not the type of person who is so much affected and addicted to blogging till i need two blogs in a time. frankly speaking, i am heartbroken. better said, i was heartbroken. oh no, i think it is not really in the past mode, should i say it is still continuous...?

whatever it is, whether it is the past or the present, i am still in the healing process. u guys know right that when a heart break it doesn't break even. haha. silly joke, but absolutely true. alhamdulillah, i am not alone. there are my friends here who are really supportive. insyaAllah i will be able to survive.

thus, there is no need for further explanation i guess, u guys should understand better now right?

this blog might be really boooring and serve nothing beneficial for u readers, but i would really appreciate those who's sparing some times reading my writing. perhaps poor english huh? haha, pardon me for that. i don't use english in my class XD

tiramisu halal.